Fresh Vision for the Great Commission
Never before has the Church had as much access to mission-related information. Yet, despite this unprecedented access to information, the Church doesn’t seem to be using its resources wisely and effectively.
Never before has the Church had as much access to mission-related information. Yet, despite this unprecedented access to information, the Church doesn’t seem to be using its resources wisely and effectively.
People Group and the Bible
Sometimes we hear that people groups are a recent invention of social science. In the following article I will answer this critique by showing that in fact, people groups are as old as Scripture itself.
Sometimes we hear that people groups are a recent invention of social science. In the following article I will answer this critique by showing that in fact, people groups are as old as Scripture itself.
What is Community Health Evangelism?
Click this link for more information on how to be involved in Community Health Evangelism.
Click this link for more information on how to be involved in Community Health Evangelism.
By 7MEDIA partnering with Luis Palau Association, 1.9 million people were presented with the Gospel through this Light Your World program!

Transform World Connections
400 Orchard Road #07-01, Orchard Towers
Singapore 238875
Tel. (65) 6463 4695 Fax. (65) 6227 6084
TW Connections Chairman: Ps. Djohan Handojo
International Facilitator TW2033: Ps. Ricardo Luna
General Secretary: Elder John Hur
Website: www.transform-world.net
Contact Person:
Ps. Harun (harun@bcs.org.sg)
John Hur (hurs21@gmail.com)
Transform World e-Newsletter:: February 2022