
22-29 Jan 2022

Training of Trainers 3
Mbarara, Uganda
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31 Jan-4 Feb 2022

Training of Trainers 1
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9-14 April 2022

Urban TOT
ONLINE (French)
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Translation Quality & Scripture Impact for Bible Translation
Everyone deserves to have the Word of God in their heart language. Over 20% of the world’s people are still waiting for the Bible in their own language. “Last mile” is used to describe the short final segment of delivery of services or items to customers. This same dynamic occurs in completing the task of translating the Bible into every language.
Thoughtlessness: Far More Dangerous Than We Realize
One of my friends calls them “pastorisms”: catchy statements that leave everyone saying, “Ooh, that’s profound.” Soon such pronouncements become memes that are widely shared and treated as self-evidently true. I contend that fascination with clichés makes us thoughtless, and thoughtlessness is dangerous—as illustrated by a disturbing example from history.
TFW Poverty & Million Village Challenge’s Updates
The prospect of multiplying transformational development programs impacting 100,000
villages by 2033 are within reach. The CHE Network has taken it on as their mission to catalyze transformational movements in a million villages. The network involves members from more than 900 organizations in 154 countries with training and tools to help you succeed.
Please click this link to read the prayer topic for transformation. 

Transform World Connections

400 Orchard Road #07-01, Orchard Towers
Singapore 238875
Tel. (65) 6463 4695 Fax. (65) 6227 6084

TW Connections Chairman: Ps. Djohan Handojo
International Facilitator TW2033: Ps. Ricardo Luna
General Secretary: Elder John Hur


Contact Person:

Ps. Harun (
John Hur (

Transform World e-Newsletter: November 2021
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